Microsoft’s bing unleashed

Posted in The Contenders, Uncategorized on September 26, 2009 by damongligaw
Microsoft's bing

Microsoft's bing

It has been a while since I wrote the first blog entry.  Why it took that long?  Maybe I do not have much time to go update this blog.  I am not afraid to admit that a big part of the reason is that case. But there are other reason why I could not write regarding google contenders.  I found that the budding google contenders were not that have appealing power to grab the attention of the internet user community.  I do not even want to write those new search engines that are discussed and hyped all-over blogosphere just to have an update to this blog.

If I did not use this new search engine contenders, then probably I would not write anything about it just to be fare.  But when Microsoft released the “bing” it draws my attention to test this search engine for few consecutive weeks just to feel and experience  “bing”.

The result is obviously great in my own honest opinion.  Bing gives the user experience that will work for good share of search engines followers.  We know that this level of acceptance is relative to the internet users. But here is why bing grabs my attention.

it loads considerably fast (google is faster)

it displays landing page with a stunning photo

it adds interesting facts links on the page

it gives a competing search result

other functionalities can be explored that cannot be found on other competing products.

For me, bing have a change to kill the giant google…in time…not now.  We will see.

Google as King of Search Engine

Posted in Google on January 11, 2008 by damongligaw

google_sm1.gif Research from Nielsen/NetRatings showed that in June, 2.67 billion web searches were carried out on Google: that’s nearly half of all searches.

The rest were:

Yahoo 1.24 billion (23%)

MSN (10.3%)

AOL (6.9%)

Google projects are both ambitious and remarkable. You can hardly think that Google can be ever beaten in the search engine battle. Google is the ruling giant. Not only in terms of size but in terms of quality of user web search experience.

But the search engine war is not over. Somewhere, somehow a new King will be victorious to over throne Google. On how it will happen, no one really knows.

Back in the year 1996, no one would think that Yahoo and AltaVista can be ever beaten in their business, except the founders of Google. After the Google success in very short time, hundreds of Larry Page and Sergey Brin were born and will challenge the good King Google.